INDICATORS: Arabica coffee prices start on Friday (24th) with a drop of 1.09%

The 60-kilogram bag of arabica coffee started on Friday (24) with a drop of 1.09% in price. The product is sold at R$1,100.27 in the city of São Paulo. Robusta coffee started the day registering an increase of 1.61%, with the bag being sold at R$ 629.75 for withdrawal in Espírito Santo.

Crystal sugar started the day with a drop of 0.54% in price and the product is sold at R$ 131.84 in São Paulo. The value of a 50-kilogram bag, without taxes, for withdrawal in Santos, on the coast of São Paulo, did not record price fluctuations and the merchandise is sold at R$ 139.23.

Corn, on the other hand, started on Friday (24) registering yet another drop in the price of the product. A 60-kilogram bag of corn sells for R$83.91. The value represents a drop of 0.53%, according to information from Cepea.

By Brasil 61

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