Risk Warning

Risk disclosure:

Trading financial instruments and/or cryptocurrencies involves high risks, including the risk of losing part or all of your investment, and may not be suitable for all investors. The prices of financial instruments and cryptocurrencies are volatile and may be affected by external factors, such as financial, regulatory, or political events.

Trading on margin increases financial risks.

Before deciding to trade financial instruments or cryptocurrencies, you should fully inform yourself about the risks and costs associated with trading in financial markets, carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite; and seek professional guidance and advice when necessary.

Financial leverage

Leverage is a feature that increases the profitability and risk of an investment. In other words, it is the increase in possibilities without adding anything to the initial cost of the investment.

Therefore, leverage is the same as borrowing money to invest. When trading with leverage, it is possible to obtain great profitability, rapidly growing your wealth.

Before having experience, do not even think about trading with leverage. This is the perfect formula for suffering great losses: Inexperience + Leverage + Obligation to make money.

However, obviously, as risks also increase, a leveraged trade needs to be very well studied, as losses can also be magnified.

This is a very important feature but should only be used by people who already know how to do good risk management.

Leverage is associated with a high degree of risk and may not be suitable for you personally. You should carefully evaluate your financial objectives, experience, and willingness to take risks before deciding to trade on markets that allow leverage.

Internet Trading Risks

The risks associated with the use of an online trading execution system, malfunctioning of hardware and software, and communication failures. Take Investing does not control the signal strength, reception quality, and other signal routing features on the internet or on its network, nor the communication equipment settings or connection reliability.

Therefore, before executing financial transactions online, have a good internet signal operator and equipment in perfect working order.

Take Investing and any other content provider contributors are not responsible for any financial losses or trading damages suffered as a result of using the information contained on this website.

Take Investing and all of its team will not be liable for any incidental, direct, indirect, punitive, actual, consequential, special, exemplary, or any other type of damages, including loss of revenue and income, pain and suffering, emotional distress, or similar damages.