Solar energy generation will have tax exemption for photovoltaic panels

Solar energy generation will have tax exemption for photovoltaic panels
Solar energy generation will have tax exemption for photovoltaic panels
After break generation record in 2022solar energy has gained an incentive to attract more consumers in 2023. published decree this Wednesday (29) the Official Gazette of the Union included photovoltaic panels in the tax exemption program for semiconductors.

Created in 2007, the Support Program for the Technological Development of the Semiconductor Industry (PADIs) eliminates four taxes – Import Tax, Tax on Industrialized Products (IPI), Social Integration Program (PIS) and Social Contribution on Net Income (Cofins ) – on the production of chips and semiconductors. This year, the government will give up raising R$ 600 million.

According to the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services (MDIC), Padis has proved to be essential for the manufacture of various electronic devices, such as smartphones, computers, televisions and industrial automation systems. The folder points out that semiconductors and microelectronic components are necessary to guarantee the viability of Industry 4.0 (industry adapted to the technological revolution).


The semiconductor industry in Brazil has revenues of more than R$ 3 billion per year, corresponding to only 0.2% of the world supply of these components. In 2019, the last year with closed data available, investment in research and development in the sector reached BRL 90.2 million, and products manufactured by Padis generated the collection of BRL 59.2 million in federal taxes.

According to the MDIC, the expansion of the program to the solar panel industry will boost the production of semiconductors and the generation of quality jobs in different states. For the folder, the growth of the semiconductor industry could stimulate innovation in other areas, such as artificial intelligence and cloud computing. Regarding solar energy, the ministry points out that Padis will increase investments in green infrastructure and in new clean energy plants in several regions of the country.

Foto de © Reuters/Bing Guan/Direitos reservados

Economia,energia solar,placas Fotovoltaicas,isenção fiscal

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