Covid-19: 833,000 elderly people have not yet taken a booster dose in Rio

Covid-19: 833,000 elderly people have not yet taken a booster dose in Rio
The Municipal Secretary of Health of Rio de Janeiro (SMS) reported, this Tuesday (4), that 833,000 elderly people have not yet sought immunization points to receive a booster of the bivalent vaccine against covid-19. The drug is released for people aged 60 years or older; people with permanent disability (PcD) aged 12 or over; pregnant and puerperal women; healthcare workers and immunocompromised persons aged 12 years and older.

In a note, SMS said that, to receive the booster dose, you must have taken the two doses of the initial schedule for at least four months.

The municipal secretary of Health, Rodrigo Prado, explained that the bivalent vaccine offers protection against variants of covid-19. He asks Rio residents to update their vaccination records for individual protection and maintenance of the “controlled epidemiological scenario”.

overdue vaccination

The delay of the elderly in going to the health centers contrasts with the great demand for the vaccine at the beginning of the immunization campaign in 2021. In the first stage of vaccination, Rio de Janeiro achieved coverage of 90% of the elderly immunized with the first dose in about three months, according to the secretariat.

where to get vaccinated

Residents of Rio can get vaccinated at the 237 Family Clinics and health posts. Furthermore, there is a drive-thru for immunization at the Super Centro Carioca de Vacinação, in Botafogo, next to the Municipal Hospital Rocha Maia. It is open every day from 8am to 10pm.

All Primary Care units in the city also carry out vaccination at home for the elderly, people with disabilities and bedridden people with comorbidities. For this, it is necessary for a family member to contact the reference health unit requesting the service. Vaccination will be scheduled within 30 days.

There are also vaccination points in Cidade das Artes, in Barra da Tijuca; at the Museum of the Republic, in Catete; at the Planetarium, in Gávea; at the Méier mall; at Parque Shopping Sulacap and at Bangu Shopping.

*Intern under Akemi’s supervision Nitahara

Foto de © Rovena Rosa/Agência Brasil

Economia,Rio de Janeiro,covid-19,Pandemia,idosos,Vacinação

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