Bank branches are closed on Good Friday

Bank branches are closed on Good Friday
Bank branches are closed on Good Friday
Bank branches will be closed tomorrow (7), a public holiday on Good Friday, as well as on Tiradentes Day (April 21). According to the Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban), the self-service areas will be available to customers, as well as digital and remote channels (internet and mobile banking), both on public holidays and on weekends.

“Digital service channels are available and offer virtually all financial transactions in the banking system. Thanks to the expressive investment by banks in technology and automation, electronic channels have become the most used channel for banking transactions, as they are a practical and extremely safe alternative”, points out the Deputy Director of Services at Febraban, Walter Tadeu de Faria.

Water, energy, telephone and booklet bills due on April 7th and 21st can be paid, without additional charges, on the next business day after the holidays, that is, on April 10th and 24th, Monday.

Regarding taxes, Febraban informs that they already come with dates adjusted to the calendar of national, state and municipal holidays. If this has not occurred in the collection document, the institution’s orientation is to anticipate the payment or, in the case of titles with a bar code, schedule payment at ATMs, internet banking and by telephone assistance from banks.

The bank slips of customers registered as electronic drawees can be paid via DDA (Authorized Direct Debit).

Foto de © José Cruz/Agência Brasil

Economia,Bancos,Agências Bancárias,Febraban,Sexta-Feira da Paixão,Dia de Tiradentes,Feriados

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