Construction costs change 0.20% in March

Construction costs change 0.20% in March
Construction costs change 0.20% in March
The National Civil Construction Index (Sinapi) changed by 0.20% in March, remaining 0.12 percentage points below February (0.08%). In the last 12 months, the rate is 9.06%, below the 9.92% registered in the immediately previous 12 months. In March 2022, the index was 0.99%%.

The data was released this Tuesday (11) by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).

According to the survey, the national cost of construction, per square meter, which closed at R$ 1,685.74 in February, rose to R$ 1,689.13 in March, of which R$ 1,002.60 related to materials and R$ 686.53 to the workforce.

The share of materials changed by 0.07%, decreasing by 0.03 percentage points in relation to the previous month (0.10%). According to the IBGE, the rate follows the stability trend observed in indices since October last year. Considering the March 2022 index (0.48%), there was a decrease of 0.41 percentage points.

“In the case of materials, we have captured, in a more significant and comprehensive way, since October 2022, drops in inputs in the steel segment”, said, in a note, the research manager Augusto Oliveira.

Manpower, with a rate of 0.40%, increased by 0.36 percentage points in relation to the month of February (0.04%). Compared to March 2022, there was a decrease of 1.35 percentage points (1.75%). According to Oliveira, there is a stability that has been occurring since last year. The share of materials has been less impacted by external events such as the covid-19 pandemic.

“Some states presented a drop in costs, others already presented this scenario in previous months. In the Southeast, there are states with negative variations, one very close to stability, such as Minas Gerais, with a negative rate of 0.02%. Rio de Janeiro, on the other hand, presented a more intense drop in cost, registering a rate of 0.22%, influenced by a negative rate of the share of materials of 0.69%”, said the manager.

The researcher pointed out that the Northeast Region had the highest increase with three of the seven states showing positive variations in the share of materials and registering a rate of 0.51%. In the Midwest, only Brasilia had an increase, all other states had negative variations, which meant that the region had a negative variation of 0.02%, followed by the Southeast with -0.01%. North and South recorded positive changes of 0.04% and 0.43, respectively.

Foto de © Arquivo/Tânia Rêgo/Agência Brasil

Economia,IBGE,Custos da Construção,Índice Nacional da Construção Civil,Sinapi

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