Revenue opens consultation on residual income tax refund batch on Thursday

Revenue opens consultation on residual income tax refund batch on Thursday
Revenue opens consultation on residual income tax refund batch on Thursday
This Thursday (20), the Federal Revenue Service will open consultations on the residual batch of Income Tax refunds from previous years. The consultation will be available to the taxpayer from 10 am.

290,934 taxpayers will be covered, in the amount of more than R$ 344 million. Payment will be made on April 28th to the bank account indicated in the Income Tax Declaration or by Pix key.

To make the query, the taxpayer must access the site of Revenue, click on “My Income Tax” and then on “Check the Refund”. If any pendency is detected in the declaration, the taxpayer can rectify it, correcting information.

The Revenue application, for tablets and smartphones, allows consultation on the release of refunds and CPF registration status.

If the credit is not deposited on the date, the amount will be available for redemption for up to one year at Banco do Brasil. The redemption must be made through the e-CAC Portal, available at site Federal Revenue Office, accessing the menu Declarations and Demonstrations > My Income Tax and clicking on “Request refund not redeemed in the banking network”.

Foto de © José Cruz/Agência Brasil

Economia,Receita Federal,Consulta,Lote Residual,Restituição,IR

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