INTERVIEW: see the benefits that the Labor Execution Guarantee Fund (Fuget) can bring to the sector

In the National Congress, parliamentarians appreciate Bill 4326/21, which creates the Guarantee Fund for Labor Executions (Fuget). The Fund is constituted mainly by the amount of fines resulting from labor and administrative convictions imposed by labor inspection. There is even a lawsuit in the STF that questions the delay in setting up the Fund. Currently, the PL awaits the designation of a rapporteur in the Working Committee.

Fuget is one of the topics covered in the interview with federal deputy Augusto Coutinho (REPUBLICANOS – PE), coordinator of the Joint Parliamentary Front for the Services Sector. The parliamentarian also addresses points related to tax reform and the regulation of teleservice or telemarketing, the more well-known term.

Brazil 61 – Deputy, about PL 4326/2021, which deals with the creation of the Guarantee Fund for Labor Executions, does the Front see the advancement of this measure as a necessity? What kind of benefit would it bring to the sector?

Deputy Augusto Coutinho – The great benefit of this fund is that the worker is wrapped up and assured that he is effectively entitled. This is something very important, as we know that, currently, labor causes are the main reason for bankruptcy of a company, for example. In fact, as long as you have a fund that guarantees these executions, I believe that this is an important advance and even one of the goals that the front has and that we have consolidated in this matter.

Brazil 61 – In Brazil, many professions are still not regulated and among them is teleservice. Do you understand that this occupation needs to go through this regulation? What initiatives does the Front propose to achieve this objective and what would be the real gains for these workers?

AC – I have no doubts. Today, with the advancement of technology, communications and interaction between people, it is clear the need to adjust the reality of the services provided. Teleservice is, in fact, something that has a very strong growth trend and, therefore, it is fundamental that there be this regulation.

Brazil 61 – One of the priorities highlighted by the Front is the extension of the deadline for tax foreclosures. What does this extension consist of, what is the problem related to this point and how does the collegiate intend to reverse this situation? Is there any impact for the taxpayer?

AC – First, you regulate the profession; second, as the base of use of this profession is regulated and increased, real gains are being provided to the worker, so that he has a greater field of action in this service area. All this is linked and added, for example, to the tax reform. This is indeed an issue of greater importance, because we have to preserve and take care that the service sector is not burdened or harmed by this reform. And for that reason, we are very attentive to the follow-up and the unfolding of these actions.

Brazil 61 – Still within this tax context, but speaking specifically of tax reform, do you consider that this is a priority measure for the sector?

AC – Today, mainly as a result of the pandemic, many companies face tax problems and issues that also include social security problems. Currently, there is a very large demand from this sector, asking the government and public authorities to do something so that they can renegotiate these social security, labor and tax liabilities that companies have, allowing them to regularize and return to a staggered activity normal.

By Brasil 61

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