Inflation slows down in five Brazilian capitals

Inflation slows down in five Brazilian capitals
The Extended Consumer Price Index (IPC-S), which measures the weekly variation in the cost of living for families earning from 1 to 33 minimum wages, showed that of the seven capitals assessed, five are experiencing a slowdown in inflation. The highest increase was registered in Rio de Janeiro (+0.68%), and the lowest in Recife (-0.17%).

Check the table:

IPC-S 0,43%
Salvador 0,24
Brasilia 0,09
Belo Horizonte 0,49
Recife -0,17
Rio de Janeiro 0,68
Porto Alegre 0,52
São Paulo 0,56

The IPC-S of the third quadrissemana of April (15/04 to 25/04) still showed that there was a variation of 0.43%, which made the variation in 12 months reach 3.37%. And this collaborated with the results obtained in the seven researched capitals. This is what economist Newton Ferreira highlights.

“Of the seven capitals that were evaluated, only Recife showed a drop in this four-week variation, the biggest increase was in Rio de Janeiro: +0.68%. Decelerations in relation to April 15 occurred in five of the seven capitals. The biggest deceleration was in Brasília, from 0.44% to 0.09%.

Economist Alexandre Arci explains that the Brazilian economy is in the process of slowing down, making the market hesitate when it comes to investing, opting to invest in the financial market.

“Our economy is in a slowdown process where the cost of money becomes very high, not bringing motivation for the entire market to invest within the economy itself. This is visible when an entrepreneur prefers to put his money inside the financial market, which he brings through from the fixed income itself an extremely interesting remuneration, causing the whole market to turn into a slowdown process”, he explained.

The next release of the IPC-S regional results will be on 05.03.2023.

By Brasil 61

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