National Confederation of Industry proposes measures to reindustrialize the country

An industrial policy aimed at achieving goals of advances in society and in the provision of services. This is what the National Confederation of Industry (CNI) proposes when structuring four major axes in the Industry Resumption Plan, shared with the Brazilian government. The director of Industrial Development at CNI, Lytha Spíndola, believes that Brazilian industrial policy needs to observe the world trend of industrialization with new bases.

“The modern industrial policy today, which exists and works all over the world, in the main economies of the world, is an economy focused on results, focused on sustainability, decarbonization, the environment, digitalization, investment in technology, a lot of innovation, but also on competitiveness and good prices.” For the CNI representative, the country needs to work on industrialization that is focused on social well-being and solving society’s problems. She highlights the need to improve health care and the inclusion of small and medium-sized companies in the technological and innovation effort.

The president of the CNI, Robson Braga de Andrade, states that “the absence of a clear industrial policy, with objectives and benefits that go beyond the industry, is one of the reasons why Brazil has lost relevance in recent decades. At this moment, the world’s main economies are engaging in development actions aimed at innovation, sustainability and international competitiveness. Responding to these challenges is urgent for all of us, public authorities and the private sector”.

Four industry missions

To implement the strategy, the CNI highlights measures that can improve the business environment. According to Lytha Spíndola, these are goals that can contribute to obtaining positive results in market performance. According to CNI’s Director of Industrial Development, these missions considered a priority are really those that meet society’s aspirations.

“The selection of priority missions took into account consultations with all the bases, representations of different segments of the industry and elected four priority missions, at the moment, which are the decarbonization of the economy; the digitization of companies; health security, such as production of vaccines, medicines, medical equipment and services in this area; and defense and national security, which are also strategic at this time”.

The country’s economic and social development depends on overcoming the old obstacles associated with the Custo Brasil and on paying attention to contemporary issues, such as digitization and sustainability, according to the CNI. Lytha Spíndola reinforces that the country needs to adopt a consistent plan to decarbonize the economy.

“Nowadays, if production is not sustainable, consumers abroad no longer accept those products, they prefer to consume products that have a sustainability seal, that have contributed to the climate issue, the preservation of the climate, so we have decarbonization goals that we are going to meet, Brazil is way ahead of other countries in this matter, but we still have a big homework in some chains, mainly.”

The proposal structured by the National Confederation of Industry (CNI) and detailed in the Industry Resumption Plan is a roadmap for Brazil to take advantage of the window of opportunity opened by the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the spread of digital technologies in the economy . The missions are transversal strategies that seek to bring answers to the great challenges of society.

By Brasil 61

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