Dollar closes the day at R$ 4.88, lowest price in 11 months

Dollar closes the day at R$ 4.88, lowest price in 11 months
Dollar closes the day at R$ 4.88, lowest price in 11 months
The commercial dollar fell 0.72% this Monday (15), quoted at BRL 4.888, the lowest value since June 7, 2022, when it closed at BRL 4.874.

The attraction of dollars is mainly influenced by the basic interest rate, currently at 13.75% per year, which leaves the country with a real interest rate higher than most of the emerging economies on the planet. In addition, the end of the cycle of high interest rates in the United States and the progress of measures to control public spending, such as the fiscal framework project, which may be voted on this week in the Chamber of Deputies, favorably influence the fall of the dollar against to the real in the foreign exchange market.

The Ibovespa, the main index of the Brazilian Stock Exchange (B3), closed the session up 0.52%, at 109,029.12 points. It is the eighth consecutive increase.

The commercial dollar is the quotation used as a reference in foreign trade transactions, goods and services involving companies, financial institutions and government. The tourist dollar, which is the exchange rate used by those who want to travel or shop abroad, ended the day quoted at just over R$5, not including fees such as the Tax on Financial Operations (IOF).

A Brazil Agency started to publish articles about the closure of the financial market only on extraordinary days. The dollar rate and the stock exchange level are no longer reported on a daily basis.

Foto de © Valter Campanato/Agência Brasil

Economia,dólar,B3,Bolsa de Valores,Mercado Financeiro

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