Industrial financing policies and access to credit can make investments viable

Small industrial entrepreneurs performed well in the first quarter of 2023, according to the Panorama da Pequena Indústria survey, by the National Confederation of Industry (CNI). The result was above the expected average for the period and also above the historical average. Even with the good result, doctor in economics Marcel Stanlei Monteiro points out that the industry still faces many challenges.

For the specialist, guaranteeing access to credit, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (MSEs), with programs that offer guarantees for loans, along with training entrepreneurs, can result in economic growth and social development in the country. “When we talk about credit for micro and small entrepreneurs, that, yes, has a bias towards growth, development, to leverage entrepreneurship.”

According to Monteiro, the sector is largely responsible for moving the economy. “They will buy to produce and resell, they will heat up the economy, they will employ people, they will buy inputs, they will import things, they will bargain prices, they will try to sell this in other markets, so this actually stimulates the economy , this actually stimulates growth, it streamlines relationships, it brings jobs, it makes income circulate, it produces positive things in relation to the maturation of that market, the improvement of certain products and certain services or even the abandonment of some sectors and the advancement of others”, he evaluates.

Credit and financing for industry

A study carried out by Sebrae shows that the granting of credit has risen 45% in the last 2.5 years, accompanied by a significant increase in small businesses borrowing credit in the national financial system. Only under the National Support Program for Micro and Small Businesses (Pronampe) approximately R$ 37 billion in loans were granted last year, in almost 461 thousand operations. This result is higher than the almost R$ 25 billion that were lent in 2021, in 333 thousand credit operations.

For 2023 and 2024, Pronampe still has another R$ 50 billion guaranteed for small entrepreneurs, according to data from Sebrae. And in 2023, the federal government sanctioned the Lei 14.554 which increased from 4 to 6 years the repayment term of loans under the program. The new law also establishes a grace period of 12 months for the initiation of these payments by MSEs.

In the opinion of master in economics and doctoral student in finance João Henrique Marioto, access to low-cost bank financing is important to strengthen the industry’s competitiveness: “It has to be the rate, it has to be the credit with the most affordable rate , lower so that the entrepreneur is able to set up his business and still be able to measure the profit to be able to reinvest in the business and it will always turn in an increasingly better way. So, without low-cost bank financing, we cannot produce greater competitiveness in the industry”, he points out.

Marioto adds that a good part of the money that encourages microcredit comes from cheaper funding lines, such as demand deposits or even sources that are subsidized by the government.

Industry Resumption Plan

According to the National Confederation of Industry (CNI), the Industry Resumption Plan includes the need for financing as one of the fundamental measures for the sector. After debates among the industrialists, an agenda was formulated with 60 transversal measures, with the objective of contributing to the modernization of productive processes, the reduction of production costs and the insertion of Brazilian companies in the global market.

The proposals are divided into nine thematic axes: taxation, financing, trade and international integration, regulatory environment and legal security, infrastructure, innovation and productive development, education, labor relations and regional development.

Regarding the need for financing, the plan includes proposals that “aim to guarantee access to credit, mainly for small and medium-sized companies, with programs that offer guarantees for loans and for industrial modernization, for innovation and for the low-carbon economy , in addition to strengthening the role of the BNDES as the main agent promoting the reindustrialization of Brazil”, according to CNI.

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