Grain crops 2022/2023 may reach 46.85 million tons in Paraná

More recent data from the Department of Rural Economy (Deral) of the State Secretariat for Agriculture and Supply (Seab) estimate that the 2022/2023 harvest in the state of Paraná will be 46.85 million tons, in an area of ​​10.84 million hectares.

Production highlights are soybeans and corn. Of the total, 22.34 million tons refer to soybeans in the first harvest only.

For agronomist Charles Dayler, technology has been one of the great differentials for better agricultural production.

“We have to see the following: that despite the climate issue, the result was positive because we have been observing in recent years a great advance in terms of cultivation technology, either by more productive cultivars, improvement in the application of fertilizers, question of good practices in the use of pesticides and so on. All this has ensured greater productivity in agricultural crops”, highlighted Dayler.

In addition to corn and soybeans, there are also good perspectives for the production of winter cereals, which, together, may result in 5.5 million tons. As for the production of beans, 553.5 million tons are forecast, a volume 1% lower than in the previous harvest, in an area of ​​299.1 thousand hectares, 12% smaller.

By Brasil 61

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