Mercosur-European Union agreement should increase competitiveness of industries

The Mercosur-European Union agreement will create conditions for the resumption of industry in Brazil and increase the competitiveness of industries globally. This is what the President of the European Union Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, says.

“The agreement will bring benefits. First, it will give our companies new opportunities to expand – that’s important. Second point, it will give predictability. Our agreement will set clear standards for workers’ rights, environmental protection and sustainable supply chains. And the third element: it will attract more investment. Our supply chains will become more integrated, more competitive and, therefore, more attractive to investors”, he points out.

The statement was made on Monday (12) during a meeting with businessmen from the National Confederation of Industry (CNI) in Brasília. Before her, the president of the CNI, Robson Braga de Andrade, defended the importance of the trade agreement. “We understand that the European Union-Mercosur integration is an efficient instrument to increase our bilateral partnership and to create a virtuous cycle of expansion of trade, investments and employment in both economic blocs.”

The CNI president also pointed out that there are challenges to be faced and that it is necessary for both parties to seek a pragmatic and flexible approach. “One of the alternatives to boost this partnership is the definition of a mechanism that expands bilateral cooperation in the areas of technology, innovation, trade and sustainability”, he explains.

Meeting on the Plateau

Earlier, the president of the European Union Commission met with president Lula at the Planalto Palace, to discuss the agreement and issues related to the environment. Ursula von der Leyen said she had committed to the president to finalize the Mercosur-European Union agreement in 2023.

“We have been discussing a trade agreement for two decades. It’s the biggest and most ambitious trade deal the two of us have ever negotiated. And now we are finally close to the finish line. It is time to finalize and conclude the Mercosur agreement”, he says.

According to president Lula, the Mercosur-European Union agreement is one of the central themes of the association between Brazil and Europe.

“The challenges of the global situation require the relaunch of this association between Brazil and Europe. For this reason, Brazil will retain the power to conduct industrial development policies through the instrument of public purchases. Uniting capabilities in terms of research, knowledge and innovation is equally decisive as a response to the challenge of generating jobs and distributing income. We want to establish an effective Digital Partnership with the European Union, in the area of ​​information technologies, regulation of the digital space, 5G and semiconductors”, he emphasizes.

Implementation of Mercosur agreements with the European Union should cover 31% of world exports of goods, points out CNI

By Brasil 61

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