Salvador’s economic movement grew 1.6% in April 2023

The Economic Movement Index of Salvador (Imec-SSA) registered a growth of 1.6% in April 2023, compared to the previous month (seasonally adjusted series). The indicator showed an increase of 1% compared to April 2022 and a growth of 6.9% in the last twelve months, when compared to the same period of the previous year.

Four of the six variables that make up the indicator boosted the increase, with emphasis on Passengers at Salvador International Airport (8.6%), followed by Passengers on intercity buses (4.6%), then Passengers on urban buses (3.2 %), and Electricity consumption (1.9%). On the other hand, the negative contributions came from Fuels (-3.0%) followed by Port cargo (-1.6%).

According to economist César Bergo, the Brazilian economy improved significantly in the first half of 2023, and Salvador is a highlight in terms of a national metropolis. “It is among the 10 largest Brazilian cities and is a protagonist, especially in terms of tourism, culture and history, so it attracts a lot of tourists”, he points out.

For the economist, many economic activities returned to normality after the coronavirus pandemic, and as Salvador is a center of concentration of important investment in the area of ​​commerce, industry and tourist attraction, the growth in movement at the airport and on the bus stations is natural.

“It is what we are seeing in Salvador, particularly. A national highlight, obviously other capitals are also showing good rates in general, the Brazilian economy has recovered well from the pandemic and economic issues, showing growth, job offers, this is fundamental. In the tourism sector, in the case of Salvador, it has been showing excellent results”, explains Bergo.

future projections

The economist explains that, for the coming months, the economy should continue to grow nationwide. What should contribute to this are the tax reforms of the new fiscal framework. “This ends up giving an extra boost to the economy, and there is no doubt that Salvador is in this context of great growth”, he says.

Do you know what a tax framework is? economist explains

By Brasil 61

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