Experts approve regularization of online sports betting prepared by the government

The federal government is preparing a Provisional Measure (MP) with the aim of regulating users’ virtual bets over the internet. The Ministry of Finance announced in May that the text of the MP is being analyzed by the various sectors of the government, with a forecast of being published soon. According to the government, the idea aims to further modernize the sector, bringing security in order to avoid cases of manipulation of game results (verified over the years), in addition to guaranteeing a new source of revenue for the government.

Most experts understand that the measure demonstrates that Brazil is moving faster and faster towards the definitive regulation of sports betting online. The Brasil61 news portal went into the field and heard two experts on the subject, who approved the idea and explained that legalization will bring many benefits to those involved and also to the country.

dependent people

According to Professor Thiago Sorrentino, who teaches Tax Law at Ibmec Brasília, the government urgently needs to increase revenue and the measure will reduce the problem: “The regulation of online betting is urgent, as Brazil is a country marked by a very high degree of of indebtedness. With the loss of assets, the population will become more dependent on the State, as will the tax burden on the text of expanding the supply of services and they would no longer be consumed. In addition, the country asks for foreign exchange because many of the operators of these bets are based abroad in tax havens.”

Lawyer Marcelo Mattoso, specialist in the games and eSports market (digital gaming competitions), recalls that the betting market is already a reality for Brazilians. According to the partner at Barcellos Tucunduva Advogados, this means that more and more new users will adhere to this type of practice and, obviously, it is interesting that there is an improvement in regulation for the sector, for several reasons.

Increase in collection

“First, we will have tax collection and it means that from this activity we will be able to raise money to convert to health, education, culture and certain other sectors in the country”, he said, adding that “another positive point is that we will having mechanisms to curb some legal practices such as match-fixing: “If you have data synchrony between the platforms and the supervisory bodies, for example, you can avoid most of these data manipulation issues or at least try to mitigate it” .


Based on the proposed Provisional Measure for Sports Betting, only qualified companies will be able to offer bets related to official sporting events. Under the proposal studied by the government, there will be taxation on the income of the houses and the prizes won by gamblers; and security for gamblers and government revenue will be increased.

The MP proposal, forwarded to the ministries co-authors of the idea (Planning, Management, Health, Tourism and Sports) promises to guarantee more confidence and security to gamblers, thanks to the transparency of the rules and supervision. After evaluating and signing the folders, the MP will be forwarded to the Civil House and, afterwards, the ministries will have the possibility of editing ordinances to create mechanisms that avoid and curb cases of manipulation of results.

By Brasil 61

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