Forest concession reconciles conservation and development, says expert

The law that changes forest concessions brings benefits both to environmental preservation and to the country’s development, says lawyer specialist in environmental law Rodrigo Jorge.

“The concession of public forests proves to be an efficient instrument of environmental protection because it aims at reconciling forest conservation on the one hand and economic stimuli on the other, such as payment for environmental services, exploitation of carbon credits and other assets. finances,” he points out.

The expert explains that the change in the law was important because it enables the unification of forestry operations associated with different contracts and the expansion of the contracts themselves to consider, now, the exploration and inclusion of carbon credits, access to genetic heritage in the scope of the concession, in addition to simplification of some environmental licensing rules.

“The measure can create more economic attractions in public forest concessions and even reduce some bureaucratic obstacles. There is also the possibility of unifying forestry operations associated with different contracts and the very expansion of contracts to consider exploration and the inclusion of carbon credits and access to genetic heritage within the scope of concession contracts as examples of the simplification of these rules”, he highlights.

Forest concessions law

Result of the approval of the bill to convert the provisional measure 1151/2022to her 14590/2023 deals with the management of public forests for sustainable production. In addition, the enacted law allows the transfer of ownership of forest carbon credits from the granting authority — Union, States, Federal District or Municipalities — to the concessionaire during the concession period.

Law that simplifies forest concessions is sanctioned

With this, it will be possible to increase the attractiveness of forest concession programs in Brazil. That’s what federal deputy Zé Vitor (PL-MG) says, who participates in the Joint Parliamentary Front for Innovation in Bioeconomy.

According to the parliamentarian, from now on, public and private lands can be granted to the private sector so that they can manage the area sustainably and the carbon credits from these areas can be sold by the concessionaires themselves. He explains that, before, these credits were held by the government, which reduced the interest of individuals and companies in the concession of forests.

“We defined a new legal framework for forestry concessions, increased the attractiveness by allowing the trade of carbon credits and put Brazil ahead of time, at the forefront to ensure that we can be the green solution for the world. An MP that was presented in December of last year and that now makes Brazil increasingly recognized as a great environmental power”, he evaluates.

carbon credits

In the public notice for the concession for the exploitation of forests, the right to sell carbon credits and similar instruments for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions may be included, including a percentage of participation by the granting authority.

By Brasil 61

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