Petrobras reduces gasoline prices for distributors starting this Friday (16)

Petrobras announced a reduction of R$ 0.13 per liter in the average selling price of gasoline this Friday (16). The sale price for distributors will be R$ 2.66 and the price difference must be felt by the consumer.

For fuel sold at stations, there is a mandatory blend of 73% gasoline and 27% ethanol. This means that the difference felt by the consumer will be, on average, R$ 1.94 for each liter sold at the pump.

The average price to the final consumer can reach R$ 5.33 per liter.

Other factors that affect the price of gasoline are taxes, blending biofuels, and distribution and resale profit margins.

This is the second reduction since the adoption of the new price policy by Petrobras, which argues that the main objective of the reduction is to maintain the competitiveness of the company’s prices and avoid passing on the volatility of the international market to the consumer.

By Brasil 61

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