Dollar today: currency opens week on a slight high, quoted at R$ 4.82

The US dollar increased by 0.13% compared to the last close. The American currency started this Monday (19) quoted at R$ 4.82 for purchase and sale. Although there is an increase, this level represents gains in the real against the dollar in relation to the previous week.

The euro started the day quoted at BRL 5.27 for buying and selling, according to data from the European Central Bank. The coin was up 0.05%. The rise of the currency is influenced by the rise of stock exchanges in Europe, reducing the offer of the euro in Brazil.

The Ibovespa opened Monday down 0.39%, and is at 118,758 points. Despite the retreat, this is the highest value since October 2022, after the risk agency S&P raised Brazil’s rating from stable to positive, attracting international investments to the country. In addition, there is the prospect of a drop in Brazilian and American interest rates, which favors the B3. Shares of companies in the domestic market are highlighted, mainly CVC (CVCB3), CPFL (CPFE3) and DEXCO (DXCO3).

By Brasil 61

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