Dollar today: currency opens Tuesday (20) at the lowest level in a year, quoted at R$ 4.77

The US dollar dropped 1% from the last close. The currency started this Tuesday (20) quoted at R$ 4.77 for buying and selling. This is the lowest level in over a year.

There is still room for appreciation of the Brazilian currency, with an improvement in the perception of country risk by investors and market assessment agencies.

According to Goldman Sachs, there is a reduction in the projection for the dollar from R$4.90 to R$4.60 over a period of 3 months.

The Euro follows the downward trend and started the day quoted at BRL 5.21 for buying and selling, according to data from the European Central Bank. The coin was down 1%.

The Ibovespa opens at a high of 0.93% and breaks through to 119,000 points. The index is at 119,857 points. This is the highest value of the year and reflects a week of investor optimism with the positive results of market expectations released by the Bacen, a possible drop in interest rates and the improvement in the country-risk assessment by S&P. The shares with the highest increases were Azul (AZUL4), Localiza (RENT3) and JBS (JBSS3), which grew from 3.8% to 3.9%.

By Brasil 61

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