Goiás: Deadline for vaccination of cattle against rabies is extended until Sunday (25)

The Government of Goiás has extended until next Sunday (25) the deadline for vaccinating cattle, buffaloes, goats, sheep and horses against rabies in herbivores. The measure covers 119 Goiás municipalities considered at high risk for the disease. The expectation is that around 15 million animals will be vaccinated against herbivore rabies.

Vaccination of cattle is important to avoid economic losses, as alerted by veterinarian Pâmela Fernandes. “In the case of unvaccinated cattle, it takes a lot of economic damage because it is transmitted from one animal to another and generally these are diseases that cannot be controlled. These are usually diseases that need to be isolated from the cattle or even slaughtered,” she explains.


Producers who do not vaccinate their cattle, buffaloes, goats, sheep and horses against rabies within the campaign period will receive a fine of R$ 7 per unvaccinated animal. Those who fail to report vaccination/herd will be fined BRL 300 per property.

Breeders who have not yet delivered the declaration are prevented from issuing the Animal Transit Guide (GTA) in Sidago, with the exception of slaughter until May 31. After this date, the property will be blocked until regularization. Therefore, it is recommended to vaccinate the animals against rabies and make the vaccination and herd declaration to ensure the movement of the animals.


Rabies is a disease that can affect all mammals, including humans. It is considered one of the most significant zoonoses in terms of public health worldwide, generating great social and economic costs.

See more:

Paraná: last days for herd update registration

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