Dollar today: currency opens on Thursday (22) at lows, quoted at R$ 4.77

O dollar American presented low of 0.28% in relation to the last closing. The currency started this Thursday (22) quoted at R$ 4.77 for buying and selling. The decrease is due to the maintenance of the Selic rate at 13.75% by the Monetary Policy Committee of the Central Bank.

The committee’s decision was tougher than expected and attracts foreign investment to the country, especially in a scenario of falling inflation and expectations of lower future interest rates. The expectation is that there will be a reduction in the Selic rate in August 2023.

In addition, the president of the US Central Bank gave a speech to the Congress of the US country about “the long way to go to reach the inflation targets”. Compared to real interest rates in the United States, there is a positive scenario for attracting investments to Brazil.

There is still room for appreciation of the Brazilian currency, with an improvement in the perception of country risk by investors and market assessment agencies. According to Goldman Sachs, there is a reduction in the projection for the dollar from R$4.90 to R$4.60 over a period of 3 months.

O Euro follows a slight upward trend and started the day quoted at BRL 5.23 for buying and selling, according to data from the European Central Bank. The currency increased by 0.18%.

O Ibovespa opened at an increase of 0.67% and reached a level of 120,000 points, quoted at 120,420 points. This is the highest level in 14 months. The positive pace of the stock market reflects the Central Bank’s decision to maintain the interest rate at 13.75%, which favors the good market perception of the country’s future expectations. There was a 4% surge in Petrobras shares, benefited by the increase in oil prices abroad. In the opposite direction, CSN Mineração fell 1.57% and Usiminas fell 1.22%.

By Brasil 61

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