Paraná: Health Care Network receives BRL 500 million in investment

To meet the demands of health and other areas, the municipalities of Paraná with more than 80 thousand inhabitants will receive R$ 500 million for investments. The money will be made available by the Regional Development Bank of the Extreme South (BRDE), which managed to obtain national and international funds, in collaboration with the Paraná Pró-Cidades program, of the Secretariat for Cities (Secid).

According to doctor Karina Tomiasi, who works in the area of ​​family health in Paraná, Primary Care covers diagnosis, treatment and health maintenance. Care is accessible and community-based. And, when done right, it is able to provide for 85% of patients’ demands over their lifetime.

Among the Basic Health Care Networks, Tomiasi highlights the “Mãe Paranaense”, which aims to guarantee access and attention; in addition to promoting safe and quality care during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period for children under one year of age.

“Despite the advances in public health achieved in the last decade in the state, in particular, the Rede Mãe Paranaense, which takes care of the entire prenatal maternity network by culture of the State, we need to continue investing in these areas, mainly in Primary Care, because it acts in prevention, which avoids complications, more health expenses in the future, also increasing the population’s health level”, informs the doctor.

In addition to health, the investment amount will be allocated to actions focused on renewable energy, water and sanitation, urban mobility, social and urban infrastructure, sustainable agriculture, sustainable cities, energy efficiency, education, solid waste management, innovation, tourism, heritage cultural, financial inclusion and labor market.

It will also be possible to support urban and rural development projects, port infrastructure, mitigation of the effects of climate change and feasibility studies and executive projects.

There will be 28 municipalities in Paraná that will benefit, such as metropolitan Curitiba, Londrina, Maringá, Ponta Grossa, Cascavel, São José dos Pinhais, Foz do Iguaçu, Colombo and Pato Branco. According to the governor of Paraná, Ratinho Junior, the program’s proposal is to structure medium and large cities in Paraná.

By Brasil 61

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