Dollar today: currency opens on Friday (23) stable, quoted at R$ 4.77

The US dollar showed stability in relation to the last close. The American currency started this Friday (23) quoted at R$ 4.77 for purchase and sale and remains at the lowest level of the year.

According to Goldman Sachs, there is a reduction in the projection for the dollar from R$4.90 to R$4.60 over a period of 3 months. There is still room for appreciation of the Brazilian currency, with an improvement in the perception of country risk by investors and market assessment agencies.

The Euro follows a slight downward trend and started the day quoted at BRL 5.22 for buying and selling, according to data from the European Central Bank. The currency had a reduction of 0.08%.

The Ibovespa opened at a low of 1.23% and returns to the level of 118 thousand points, at 118,934 points. The maintenance of the Selic rate at 13.75% makes fixed income more attractive to investors than variable income (shares), this Friday. In addition, the Central Bank gave a “tougher tone” to the possibility of a drop in interest rates in August, which probably will not happen.

In the external sector, the president of the US Central Bank signaled that raising interest rates could be an alternative, reinforcing a pessimistic climate on the stock exchanges. The Bank of England also raised interest rates by 0.5 percentage point.

There was a 1.7% drop in Petrobras shares, hampered by the internal and external scenarios.

By Brasil 61

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