AM: Trade and Services sectors expected to grow 200% during the Parintins Festival

According to the Amazonas State Tourism Company (Amazonastur), in 2023, the Parintins Festival should move around R$ 120 million in the economy of Parintins and the surrounding cities. The president of Amazonastur, Gustavo Sampaio, points out that only the Commerce and Services Sectors have a 200% increase in revenue, compared to the period without festivities in the municipality.

“Hospitality, Travel Agency, Commerce, Service, Restaurants, Bars are the sectors that will benefit most from this celebration. In addition, we have a benefit for the Lower Amazon region, before, during and after the festival”, says Sampaio. The benefits will be mainly for the cities close to Parintins, such as Nhamundá, Barreirinha, Maués and Boa Vista dos Ramos.

The festival has both national and international relevance, which attracts new audiences to Parintins. “Attracting this public is generating employment, income and opportunity here in the Lower Amazon region as a whole, not forgetting the capital, which has a busy area with this flow”, explains the president of Amazonastur.

Festival of Parintins

The Parintins Folk Festival is an annual event that takes place in the last week of June in the city of Parintins, in the Amazon. It is considered an important cultural heritage of Brazil by the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (IPHAN). The event began to be held in 1965 and since then it has been popular in the region, attracting people from all over the country and abroad.

The 56th Parintins Folk Festival is organized by the Government of Amazonas, through the Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy. This year, the event, which will focus on Culture, Tourism and Sustainability, will take place on June 30th, July 1st and 2nd in Parintins.

By Brasil 61

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