Dollar today: currency opens on Wednesday (28) at a high, quoted at R$ 4.78

O dollar Americano started this Wednesday (28) quoted at R$ 4.78 for purchase and sale. There was a significant increase in relation to the last closing, of 0.42%.

The rise in the dollar reflects the release of the Copom minutes, which signals a future interest rate cut in Brazil. The possible drop in interest rates is accompanied by the disclosure, on Tuesday 27th, of lower inflation, which reinforces that the Selic, the economy’s basic interest rate, will be at lower levels in the future.

As a result, there will be less distance between Brazilian and American interest rates. This means that the investor will prefer to invest in US public debt securities, with more security. The dollar exit from the country can be felt this Tuesday and the currency opened higher.

O euro also followed the upward trend and started the day quoted at BRL 5.25 for buying and selling, according to data from the European Central Bank. The high is 0.9%.

O Ibovespa opens at a low of 0.61% and reaches the lowest level since June 12 of this year. This is the fourth trading session followed by the index in the red. The index moves away from the 120,000 points it was at until last week and opens on Wednesday (28) at 117,522. The decrease is due to the release of the Copom minutes and the investor’s preference to invest in fixed income, with interest at 13.75%.

High interest rates offer a more viable and safer way to profit from government bonds instead of stocks. For this reason, they are the preferred alternative for investors, as the Stock Exchange is more volatile, that is, it fluctuates more and can present more uncertainties.

Petrobras shares (PETR4) fell and followed the lowest international oil price, closing at R$ 30.60. Vale (VALE3) rose 1.20%, following the increase in iron ore. The company’s shares are at R$ 66.83.

By Brasil 61

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