Sale of machinery and equipment grew 10.6% in May

Sale of machinery and equipment grew 10.6% in May
Sale of machinery and equipment grew 10.6% in May
In May, the Brazilian machinery and equipment industry registered a net income of R$ 24.9 billion, which meant recovery in relation to April, with an increase of 10.6%. However, in the annual comparison, there was a drop of 15.6%, which would indicate continued deceleration of investments in machinery and equipment in Brazil, informed this Wednesday (27) the Brazilian Association of Machinery and Equipment Industry (Abimaq) .

Domestic sales totaled R$ 18.3 billion in May, 4.1% higher than in April and 23.2% lower than in May of last year.

Exports, in turn, reached US$ 1.3 billion, an increase of 35.7% compared to April and 22.2% over May 2022.

Imports, on the other hand, totaled US$ 2.6 billion in May, an advance of 27% over April and 24.8% over May of last year.

The balance of trade in the sale of machinery and equipment was negative at US$ 1.2 billion in May.

Considering the first five months of the year, the sector accumulated a net income of R$ 117.5 billion, 8.5% less than that registered in the same period of last year. The domestic market, on the other hand, accumulated BRL 88.5 billion in the year, which represented a decrease of 14.3% when compared to the same period of 2022.


The number of people employed in the Brazilian machinery and equipment industry shrank by 0.1% in May, totaling 393,286 employees. According to Abimaq, the drop is due to the slowdown in activities in recent months, which led to new layoffs in 2023. Compared to September 2022, the month that recorded a record number of people in the sector, the staff has shrunk by 6 thousand people .

Foto de © CNI/José Paulo Lacerda/Direitos reservados


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