Goiás is a leader in the generation of jobs in the Midwest, according to research

According to the General Register of Employed and Unemployed People (Novo Caged) of the Ministry of Labor and Employment, Goiás was the state in the Midwest that generated the most jobs in May, registering 6,297 new jobs with a formal contract. In the national ranking, the state occupies the eighth position among the states that created the most jobs in the month.

The highlight for growth in formal employment was the service sector, which registered a balance of 3,431 formal jobs. Next came industry, with 1,402 jobs created, followed by commerce, 734. Construction generated a positive balance of 676 jobs in the month.

For economist Francisco Rodrigues, this shows a gradual recovery in the post-coronavirus pandemic sector. In 2021, around 1.4 million companies were closed in the country, according to the map of companies from the Ministry of Development, Industry and Commerce. “This shows that there is a decrease in the costs of companies. And at the same time, the government is generating incentives through the banks, increasing credit for companies as well and is seeing exemptions”, explains the economist.

According to data from the last survey carried out by the General Register of Employed and Unemployed People (Novo Caged), in April, the services sector in Goiás grew by 2.4%, compared to the same period of 2022. The increase occurred in activities information and communication services (10.1%); other services (9.4%); professional, administrative and complementary services (1.9%); and transport, auxiliary services to transport and mail (0.9%).

Rodrigues points out that this growth leverages the state’s economy and reduces the Extended National Consumer Price Index (IPCA). “In other words, decreasing inflation contributes to job creation. In the case of Goiás, we can observe that it is a great pole of employment generation in the country, as it has many companies, many factories, many industries, with emphasis on the fashion and clothing sector”, he adds.


For Rodrigues, expectations for the next semester are positive, with more job creation and new companies being opened. What should help are commemorative dates, with new productions for holidays and parties.

Economist Newton Marques says that it is important to be aware of what can happen to agriculture and industries. “If interest rates fall, as we are imagining, it ends up responding more. But the service sector will always have its place, it will always have its growth. Maybe it’s not the biggest, but it’s going to grow too, because it grows along with livestock and textiles,” he explains.

Job creation in Brazil

The country accumulated a balance of 155,270 jobs in May, the result of 2,000,202 admissions and 1,844,932 dismissals in the month, according to Caged.

The positive balance also gained prominence in the services sector, with growth of 54% in the month — and in 23 of the 27 Brazilian states. The second largest increase in formal employment in the country occurred in civil construction, followed by agriculture.

Read more:

Goiás has 216,282 local units registered in the Central Business Register

Goiás: soy sanitary void is already in effect

By Brasil 61

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