The economic fragility of our continent

For those who like history, let’s remember how we were full of ferocious colonizers in our continent, eager to take riches from the discovered lands and take them to their countries of origin.

We had other invasions, such as at the end of World War II, when German refugees came, largely because it was a cradle of dictators spread across different countries, covering up Nazis and helping to hide everyone who was on the run.

So, we can see that our fragility is economic and political. And any country of great financial size that comes will be able to buy the rulers and population and make them their new acquisition, their new backyard.

As in a *WAR game, whoever has the pieces on the continent with the highest populations has the best chance of winning the game.

The fact is that we are living in this type of world game, in which many times not a single shot is fired, but there are many deaths — it is more cruel, unequal and invisible.

These invisible wars that kill without mercy. We can see the cruelty in the lack of investments, especially in the area of ​​health. Or via corruption, with diversion of resources from sectors that would be of great interest to the population. Due to the hunger that many are experiencing, or else, it is enough for a virus to be placed in the air towards different countries, being able to infect and kill many.

And this is still true around the world.

This type of colonization can only happen if we want it to. After all, Brazil is still free in political, economic and social choices. And for those less knowledgeable and uninformed, who thought that the elections were purely a war in which they were divided in the great part of the population, it is right.

Bets were made, but if they are wrong, it will be the population who will pay once again.

* WAR is a war and strategy board game, based on the American game “Risk”

By Brasil 61

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