INDICATORS: fat ox registers a drop in price this Wednesday (05)

The price of the fat cattle arroba started on Wednesday (05) with a drop of 0.17%. The product is traded at R$ 261.40 in the state of São Paulo. In the financial market, the arroba of fat cattle also decreased, the fall was 0.15%, and the quotation is R$258.65.

The moving average, that is, the last five aggregated indicators of the live cattle arroba, follows the upward trend of the entire month, which reinforces that prices may rise or remain stable for the next few days.

The price of frozen chicken per kilogram has not changed and is still sold at R$6.04. The price of a kilogram of chilled chicken fell by 1.18% and the product is sold at R$ 5.88 in Greater São Paulo, São José do Rio Preto and Descalvado.

The price of the special pork carcass rose 2.56% and the product is sold at R$ 9.60, wholesale in Greater São Paulo. With regard to live hogs, in the states, there was price stability or a slight increase. In Minas Gerais, live pigs sell for R$6.76. In Paraná, the product is sold at R$ 6.08. In Santa Catarina, at R$5.92; in Rio Grande do Sul at R$6.02; and in São Paulo at R$6.48.

The values ​​are from Cepea.

By Brasil 61

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