Paraná: Banco Fomento opens debt renegotiation for micro, MEIs and informal companies

More than 40% of the adult population of Paraná have overdue debts and are in active debt, due to taxes and fines not paid within the established deadlines. This is what Serasa points out, a company that works with economic and social data and credit analysis in Brazil.

With almost half of the population in debtor condition, Fomento Paraná is offering the opportunity for customers with overdue or defaulting loan installments to renegotiate their contracts, with easy conditions until September 1st.

Interested parties also have the option of extending the payment terms, which contributes to reducing the value of the installments. It is even possible to make a new installment of previous debts with a balance of up to R$ 50 thousand.

The objective of this campaign is to regularize the situation of companies and provide relief in cash flow, allowing entrepreneurs to direct their income to other investments, urgent expenses or business opportunities.

Tax lawyer Janssen Murayama says that a renegotiation is good for both taxpayers and the government.

“This debt renegotiation measure is always welcome on the one hand, because it brings immediate revenue to the Government of Paraná. Therefore, it is important for taxpayers who want to regularize themselves and obtain a positive certificate, with a negative effect. I would have a certificate of fiscal regularity to operate, to obtain financing, to participate in bids. So, for those taxpayers who are indebted and want to pay their debts in installments, it is very welcome, and this brings a positive effect to an immediate collection for the Government of Paraná”, he explained.

To be eligible for renegotiation, the contract must have at least one installment paid off. The campaign covers micro and small companies, individual microentrepreneurs (MEIs) and informal entrepreneurs. These entrepreneurs can request an extension of the payment term for up to 60 months and pay the first installment of the loan within 60 days.

This time, the Fomento Paraná renegotiation discount campaign also applies to defaulted contracts with some overdue installments of the Paraná Recupera and Paraná Recupera – Transportes credit lines, which were opened during the period of the Covid-19 pandemic, in 2020 and 2021.

In addition, the campaign includes microcredit loans contracted with the guarantee of FAMPE (Fundo de Aval das Micro e Pequenas Empresas) of Sebrae.

By Brasil 61

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