Beer sector in Brazil grows by almost 12% in 2022

Beer sector in Brazil grows by almost 12% in 2022
Beer sector in Brazil grows by almost 12% in 2022
The brewing sector in Brazil grew by almost 12% last year. There are more than 1,700 establishments across the country. The information is part of the beer yearbook, released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock.

The state of São Paulo has the highest number of registered breweries (387), followed by Rio Grande do Sul (310) and Minas Gerais (222). Currently, Brazil is the third largest beer producer in the world, behind only China and the United States.

This year, the sales volume in the national territory should reach 16 billion liters, 4.5% more compared to 2022, according to the National Union of the Beer Industry. According to the entity’s president, the standardization of industry rules contributed to these results.


This increasingly professionalized market is not the only advantage of expanding the sector in Brazil. It’s just that beer generates jobs and income in the locality where it is made. Throughout the country, this production chain is responsible for two million direct and indirect jobs.

Not to mention that the less the drink travels from the factory to the consumer, the better the quality of the product. That’s what Pedro Capozzi explains. His company produces, in the Federal District, 260 thousand liters of craft beers per year.

In addition to quality, Brazilian beers are innovative in flavors and can include red fruits, baru nuts, rosemary, tomatoes and even lemon and turmeric, bringing more and more the Brazilian style to beer – an ancient drink.

Foto de © Arquivo/Agência Brasil


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