Petrobras signs gas contract to serve the state of São Paulo

Petrobras signs gas contract to serve the state of São Paulo
Petrobras signs gas contract to serve the state of São Paulo
Petrobras signed a new natural gas contract, worth BRL 56 billion, with Companhia de Gás de São Paulo (Comgás). The term is 10 years, starting in January 2024. The contract aims to supply gas to serve the distributor’s captive market, in the state of São Paulo, reinforcing the commercial partnership between the companies.

According to the president of Petrobras, Jean Paul Prates, the new hires show that Petrobras is fulfilling its role of supplying gas to the state markets well.

“Our forecast for own investments in this area exceeds R$ 25 billion in the coming years. We are offering more flexible contracts with different terms and indexes. As a result, distributors can choose the most appropriate portfolio for their needs in different markets: industrial, commercial, residential and automotive”, he said.

The contract underwent analysis and approval by the Regulatory Agency for Public Services of the State of São Paulo (Arsesp) and will be sent to the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP), in accordance with the regulatory rite that provides that the agency make public the contracts for the purchase and sale of natural gas signed by local piped gas distributors to serve captive markets.


Comgás executive director Antônio Simões said that natural gas is a strategic energy source for the state of São Paulo and Brazil, and “we here at Comgás are continuously investing in solutions to bring this energy to more and more people and businesses, in addition to to guarantee the energy security that the State of São Paulo needs so much to grow with competitiveness and sustainability.

He added that “our investments add up to more than R$ 1 billion per year in the state, expanding the distribution gas pipeline network and connecting more than 150,000 new customers annually. This contract with Petrobras, which renews a long-standing supply partnership between the two companies, brings improvements in relation to current conditions, opening up opportunities for the long-awaited migration of customers to the free gas market”, he concluded.

Foto de © Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil

Petrobras,Comgás,estado de São Paulo,Economia

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