July holidays: Northeast and Gramado (RS) are the favorite destinations of Brazilians

The month of July is one of the main times of the year for tourism. Period when many people are on vacation. This year, Gramado (RS) is among the most popular places for Brazilians, according to the Brazilian Association of Tourism Operators (Braztoa). The manager of the Diverse Destinations Agency, DF, Fábio Cardia Oliveira de Carvalho (47), says that not even the arrival of an extratropical cyclone in the South region, disturbed the plans of customers who closed packages for the locality.

“Passengers are not afraid to leave, there are already passengers from us next week going there too — and no withdrawals, nothing. The trips will happen normally”, he says. He says that, in addition to Gramado, which is a destination that attracts the attention of many people at any time of the year, the Northeast always attracts many Brazilians who seek resorts and idyllic beaches. “Many people seek out Ceará’s beaches, for example, because it’s sunny all month long,” he reveals.

The Ministry of Tourism estimates that the airline sector should offer more than 4,200 extra flights across the country, which represents 15% more than that registered in the same period last year. The road sector, on the other hand, expects to receive more than 4 million passengers, a number 8% greater than that of the pre-pandemic — and 2.5% greater than the year 2022. According to the Brazilian Association of Tourism Operators (Braztoa ), the most popular national destinations are: Maceió, Gramado, Natal and the beaches and resorts from northeast.

With events, festivals and activities specific to this time of year, Brazilian tourism takes advantage of the month of July as an opportunity to attract tourists, in addition to contributing to the country’s economic development. According to the economist and coordinating counselor of the Confecon economic policy commission, Fernando de Aquino, tourism boosts the economy and creates job opportunities.

“An activity that generates a lot of employment, in general, pulls other activities that generate a lot of employment. These people who work in the tourist industry will demand goods and services from activities that also generate a lot of employment. There will be an increase in the consumption of food by these people, of other services, so, in fact, it is an activity that improves the conditions of workers in general”, he evaluates.

The general coordinator of tourism products and experiences at the Ministry of Tourism, Fabiana Oliveira, says that the month of July is the ideal time to take advantage of different opportunities. “With the school holidays and favorable weather in much of the country, July attracts a significant amount of tourists in search of beautiful beaches, rich culture, lush landscapes and exciting adventures. This demand heats up the tourism industry and drives the growth of segments such as accommodation, transport, gastronomy and tourist activities.”, she emphasizes.

By Brasil 61

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