Desenrola Brasil: experts warn of risks of new debt

Indebted Brazilians who intend to join the federal government’s debt renegotiation program should be aware. Before making any agreement with financial institutions, it is important to analyze all the conditions offered to accept the proposal that fits the budget. Economist Aurélio Trancoso explains that Desenrola Brasil can even help by trying to remove people who are in default with banks, stores and SPC and Serasa. But he understands that this can be a problem for those who cannot pay off their debts.

“The idea is that whoever has a bank debt of up to 100 reais, for example, will automatically have their name removed from the negatives, but the person will not fail to pay those 100 reais. It will be divided to pay until the end of the year and will have interest on top of 2%, practically”, he evaluates.

In the expert’s opinion, most people who have 100 reais today in a negative bank, practically, are from portfolios or accounts that they forgot to open and that the bank ends up charging a fee for service packages. “In the end, you end up having a higher amount and you didn’t even know you had this debt being made”, he points out.

Trancoso still has another concern: “What is the government trying to do? He wants to grow the country’s GDP through consumption and that’s fine because more than 45% of the country’s GDP today is already through consumption, so if he increases that to 50% or 55%, there will be an increase in GDP. But, on the other hand, it will put the population in debt again”, he justifies.

For the economist and professor of Post-Graduation in Social Policy at UnB, Evilasio Salvador, the greatest care is with the formation of new debts. “The person has to do a renegotiation that fits in their budget and have a financial education seeking to balance their budget between income and expenses. The fact of making debt and installments will always be a necessary condition for those who live below the income in Brazil, but it is necessary to be careful with interest rates and guarantee future income and worry about continuing to work”, he warns.

Experts warn that the most important thing is to be careful with consumption so as not to complicate the budget again and have your name included on the dirty list in credit protection services. They say that calculating the cost of living and how much you earn is essential to maintain the family’s financial balance.

The federal government has warned the population not to fall into scams when renegotiating debts with banks through the Desenrola Brasil program. The official guideline is to speak directly with the bank where the debt is located — and only with that bank, never with third parties — using exclusively the official channels of financial institutions or seeking assistance directly at branches. Criminals are using the name of the program in an attempt to apply blows. The bandits’ strategies involve e-mails, messages and even the creation of websites with the name “Desenrola”. If the customer is suspicious of any proposal or value, he must contact the bank through official channels.

The program

Desenrola Brasil is a program that makes it possible to renegotiate debts. The government estimate is to benefit up to 70 million people. It will run in three steps. The first two are already underway: extinguishing bank debts of up to R$100 and renegotiating bank debts of individuals with incomes of up to R$20,000 and bank debts with no limit in value. The third stage will take place in September, with the adhesion of debtors with income of up to two minimum wages or enrolled in the Single Registry (CadÚnico) for social programs of the federal government and with financial debts whose amounts do not exceed R$ 5 thousand.

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By Brasil 61

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