Mutirão for negotiation of debts with banks and retail starts today

Mutirão for negotiation of debts with banks and retail starts today
Mutirão for negotiation of debts with banks and retail starts today
Starting this Monday (24th), Brazilians with overdue bills, of any nature or amount and regardless of their income, will be able to resort to consumer protection bodies in states and municipalities in order to negotiate their debts.

Coordinated by the National Consumer Secretariat (Senacon), of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, and named Renegocia!, the national task force will last until August 11th. The initiative aims to help citizens in financial difficulties before their debts exceed their ability to pay.

“We are starting today (Monday) the debt renegotiation effort”, announced the Minister of Justice and Public Security, Flávio Dino, when participating in the press conference on the operation that the Federal Police (PF) launched this morning in Rio de Janeiroto detain former firefighter Maxwell Simões Corrêa, suspected of involvement in the death of Rio councilor Marielle Franco (PSOL), on March 14, 2018.

“It is important to emphasize that we have the participation of approximately 250 state and municipal Procons (in Renegocia!). This task force is important and will last for the next few weeks”, added the minister.

The national effort to renegotiate debts takes place just over a month after the federal government launched the Emergency Debt Renegotiation Program for Delinquent IndividualsDevelopment Brazil.

In June, the Planalto Palace published the Decree 11.567/2023raising from BRL 303 to BRL 600 the minimum amount of income of any Brazilian citizen that must be preserved in the event of overdue debt negotiations.

According to Senacon, Renegocia! and Desenrola Brasil are complementary actions. The difference between the two actions is that in Renegocia! There is no limit on the debt and no income restriction for consumers who want to negotiate not only bank debts, but also with stores and services such as water and electricity. Only debts with alimony, rural and real estate credit, which cannot be renegotiated, are excluded from the program.

no longer Unwind Brazil, two bands of adhesion to the program were defined. Range 1 is for those with a monthly income of up to two minimum wages, which currently amounts to R$ 2,640, and also for debtors enrolled in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico). For this group, the debt cannot exceed R$ 5 thousand. Tier 2 caters to debtors with a monthly income of up to R$20,000, who can pay off their debts in installments, starting with 12 installments.

In addition to promoting mediation between creditors and debtors, Senacon also promotes financial education and awareness of responsible credit consumption. The objective is to encourage consumers to reflect on their personal finances and adopt practices that avoid over-indebtedness, such as financial planning and conscious consumption.

Senacon already has a channel dedicated to providing information and guidelines on overindebtedness in Brazil, including its main concepts and practical tips to avoid and overcome this condition.

Foto de © Marcello Casal JrAgência Brasil

Mutirão,Desenrola brasil,renegocia!,Flávio Dino,dívidas,Procon,Senacon,Economia

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