With increased sales, Volkswagen cancels layoff at the Taubaté factory

With increased sales, Volkswagen cancels layoff at the Taubaté factory
With increased sales, Volkswagen cancels layoff at the Taubaté factory
Volkswagen informed this Monday (24) that it decided to suspend the layoff (suspension of employment contracts) of employees at the Taubaté (SP) plant, scheduled to start on the 1st of August. The suspension of contracts would last for two months. According to the company, the decision was due to increased sales.

“Due to the positive performance of the Polo model, Volkswagen do Brasil decided to adjust the flexibility measures for the plant in Taubaté (SP), canceling the layoff scheduled to start on August 1st, lasting 2 months for a production shift”, said in a note, Volkswagen.

Instead of the layoff, which would affect one shift of the factory’s workers, Volkswagen will apply collective vacations of 10 days for the unit’s two shifts, starting on the 31st. The change is provided for in the workers’ Collective Agreement.

The company also informed that the factory in São José dos Pinhais continues with a shift of workers in layoff, which started on June 5. The plants in São Bernardo do Campo (SP) and São Carlos (SP) are operating normally.


According to the Metalworkers Union of Taubaté and Region (Sindmetau), the layoff in Taubaté it would reach 800 workers, for a period that could reach up to five months. Initially, the measure was scheduled for June, but it was rescheduled for July. According to the entity, with the launch of the popular car program by the federal government, the automaker even announced that it would no longer adopt the suspension of contracts this year.

“However, with the maintenance of the Selic rate, the plans were adjusted again. Between June 26th and July 3rd, workers stayed out of production through shutdown e dayoff, returning on the last 4th of July. Soon after, the assembler returned to announce the layoff for August, a measure that has now been reversed into collective vacations”, said the union, in a note.

According to Sindmetau, the collective agreement at the Taubaté factory also provides for employee stability until 2025. Currently, the plant has around 3,100 employees and produces the Polo Track.

Foto de © Divulgação/Volkswagen

Volkswagen,Indústria Automobilística,Taubaté,Economia

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