Sebrae launches platform to help micro and small entrepreneurs seek credit consciously

Publication date: April 30, 2024, 3:57 pm, Updated on: April 30, 2024, 4:53 pm

Sebrae launched, this Tuesday (30), the Crédito Consciente platform, at an event in the city of Florianópolis (SC). The initiative aims to expand the understanding of entrepreneurs looking for a loan — whether to boost their business or even renegotiate the company’s debts.

The president of Sebrae, Décio Lima, stated that the entity is ready to serve one million micro and small Brazilian companies through the platform. “We are going to provide targeted credit, so that (the businessman) can have management when taking out credit and know the viability of his business” — he announced at a press conference.

The Crédito Consciente platform is part of Clique, a federal government program to encourage credit for micro and small businesses. The expectation is to inject more than R$7.5 billion into the economy by 2026.

Capitalization and Financial Service Manager at Sebrae, Antônio Valdir explains that the platform will be important to avoid entrepreneurs defaulting as a result of the lack of planning when taking out credit, a problem he observed at Pronampe.

“Experts say that when you start a business, you work with 80% emotion and 20% reason. And what is our idea? It is to create awareness, in that first moment, so that this dream does not become a nightmare, in the future”, he emphasized.

Through the platform, the entrepreneur will not only have tips to find out if the loan is really the best alternative for the moment. Valdir explains that Sebrae will support, together with financial institutions, those who conclude that credit is the best option for the company.

“After doing all this trail, if he maintains his interest, he will authorize us to forward that base with his interest to the banks and, mainly, forward it to our state Sebrae, so that he can accept the pre -credit or post-credit. We will monitor this project on time, helping it — including obtaining this credit from banks.”

Conscious path to credit

When accessing the website, the entrepreneur will be invited to reflect on the company’s finances. Having all the necessary information about the business at hand, he can make a diagnosis of the company using a business financial planning calculator.

With the tool, the entrepreneur will report sales volume, supplier costs, among other data. If the calculator shows a positive result, the entrepreneur can look for ways to adjust the company’s accounts without having to resort to a loan — such as postponing commitments with suppliers, reviewing inventory, and so on.

If the calculator understands that credit is important, the Conscious Credit platform will provide the necessary guidance to the entrepreneur.


To help entrepreneurs who need a loan, but cannot obtain it due to lack of collateral, Sebrae contributed an additional R$2 billion to the Guarantee Fund for Micro and Small Businesses (Fampe).

From Fampe, Sebrae acts as a guarantor for up to 80% of the guarantee for the total value of the loan, which tends to facilitate the release of the amount by the financial institution, explained Décio Lima.

“We created a fund worth R$2 billion. When you create a guarantee fund, you reduce the risk. It opens the door. What naturally happens to any of us? When you go to the bank, the first thing to get credit is to have guarantee, have a guarantee, or equity or someone who has equity to sign the guarantee for you.

The president of Sebrae highlighted the entity’s effort to expand the network of financial institutions that accept Fampe as a complementary guarantee for granting credit to micro and small businesses. “We created a synergy with the entire Brazilian financial system, practically. Before, we acted as a guarantee fund only at Banco do Brasil and Caixa Econômica Federal. Today, we have the entire network of the Brazilian financial system”, he added.

By 2023, Fampe guaranteed more than 584 thousand credit operations. The fund provided around R$31 billion in credit, of which more than R$23 billion was aimed at small businesses.

Small entrepreneurs and rural producers can negotiate debts contracted with constitutional funds

By Brasil 61

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