Rural producers: new BNDES credit line could reach R$10 billion in 2024

Rural producers: new BNDES credit line could reach R billion in 2024
The new credit line from the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES), CPR BNDES, created to expand support for the Brazilian agricultural sector, could reach R$10 billion in 2024. The information was released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock.

According to the ministry, the new line of credit is a way of investing in Brazilian producers and agribusiness. This measure is complementary to the authorization from the National Monetary Council (CMN) to renegotiate debts.

The agribusiness consultant at BMJ Consultores Associados, João Crisóstomo, points out that the agribusiness sector has been consolidating itself as one of the most important in Brazil.

“Agribusiness today, according to the C-Pack methodology, which takes into account not only agricultural production, but the entire agroindustry that we have around the sector, benefiting from production, using it, it represents 23.8% of GDP (Product National Gross Domestic Product”, he informs.

He highlights that investment in agribusiness is reflected in other sectors, such as production, transport, research and innovation.

For the livestock coordinator at Safras & Mercado consultancy, Fernando Iglesias, it is “important” to offer support to Brazilian rural producers. He states that this season, there were problems in several markets; so the R$10 billion will be “fundamental.”

“Of course, the figures could be higher. It would be very important for this government funding to contribute to our Brazilian producer. We have several sectors in need of support, such as the soybean market and the dairy farming market. We have several fragile segments, so it would be interesting to obtain resources to contribute to the benefit of rural producers”, he adds.

Financing instruments

With the new line of credit, operations can be carried out with Rural Financial Product Notes (CPR-F) or Agribusiness Credit Rights Certificates (CDCA). These are financing instruments in the agricultural sector and are widely accepted in the market, due to their simplicity and lower operating costs.

Access to the titles will be for micro, small and medium-sized rural producers and rural producer cooperatives with revenues of up to R$300 million per year. In addition, companies of these sizes that operate in the commercialization, processing or industrialization of agricultural, livestock, forestry, aquaculture and extractive products, inputs, machinery and implements may also benefit.

The loan contract will be formalized by issuing a CPR-F or CDCA to an accredited financial institution. This institution will transfer BNDES resources to the bond issuer, allocating them exclusively to agro-industrial activities.

The loan limit granted to the customer will be up to R$20 million per 12-month period, with a total repayment period of up to 60 months. This period includes a grace period of up to 24 months.

Read more:

Safra Plan: CNA defends the supplementation of R$ 2.1 billion to Rural Insurance in 2024

By Brasil 61

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