Arabica coffee starts on Friday (17) sold at R$ 1,124, after a drop in price

Publication date: May 16, 2024, 7:32 pm, Updated on: May 17, 2024, 6:24 am

This Friday (17), a 60-kilo bag of Arabica coffee costs R$1,124.07 in the city of São Paulo, after a 0.05% drop in price. For Robusta coffee, there was a 0.37% increase in price and the commodity is traded at R$949.26. The values ​​refer to the 60-kilo bag, net price, in cash, for pickup in the vicinity of the Colatina and São Gabriel da Palha producing region, in Espírito Santo.

For crystal sugar, in São Paulo, the price fell 1.28% and the product is sold at R$137.84. On the coast of São Paulo, the average price, without taxes, of a 50-kilo bag fell by 3.81%, with the merchandise traded at R$132.70.

A 60 kg bag of corn showed a 0.19% price reduction and is traded at R$58.85 for the reference region of Campinas (SP).

The values ​​are from Cepea.

By Brasil 61

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