March ends with expansion of agricultural jobs in almost 2,500 municipalities

Publication date: May 19, 2024, 00:01h, Updated on: May 19, 2024, 09:01h

Research by the National Confederation of Municipalities (CNM) reveals that, in March, of the 4,722 cities with movement in the agricultural job market, 2,497 had an increase in jobs, while 1,914 had a reduction. The highlights with the biggest expansions for the month were Morrinhos (GO), with 1,441; Paracatu (MG), with 1,425; and Venâncio Aires (RS), with 1,380.

In absolute numbers, March 2024 ended with 247,128 hires and 243,411 dismissals — a positive balance of 3,717 jobs. In the regional analysis, the Southeast generated 19,905 vacancies, driven by the performance of the sugar and garlic chain. Next is the Central-West, with a positive balance of 2,905 vacancies; North, with 984; and South, with 891. The Northeast Region had a negative balance, with 20,968 fewer vacancies in March, especially due to the dismissals of the sugar sector.

For those responsible for the CNM survey, the performance in March was below that observed in the same period in March 2023, when the positive balance of vacancies was 15,115. The growth in employment in agriculture in March 2024 was driven by the production of certified seeds and the continuity of hiring related to the tobacco industry in the South Region.

Check out the complete survey at link.

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