MEI Week is an opportunity to train and professionalize small businesses

Between the 20th and 24th of May, the Sebrae System promotes MEI Week, a free event aimed at those who want to undertake, formalize or boost their business. This is the 15th edition of the event which, this year, has the theme “Enough together with Sebrae”.

The program includes in-person and online activities, such as lectures, practical workshops, courses, webinars, as well as networking and inspiring stories from successful entrepreneurs.

According to Sebrae’s customer relationship manager, Ênio Pinto, the objective of MEI Week is to train and professionalize small businesses.

“Our intention is to further professionalize the management of this small entrepreneur. So there will be a day when we will address issues related to finance, on another the issue of planning, on another the issue of sales, including digital sales. It’s about updating the knowledge he needs to have to be at the forefront of this venture and have a greater chance of success.”

Each Sebrae unit in the states has its own programming agenda. To check, look for the closest unit to your residence or business, or access the link. In the same week, Sebrae Nacional will promote, in Brasília, one lecture and one workshop per day, each with a different theme.

“We will have events taking place in almost three thousand municipalities in Brazil, both digitally and in person. And what do we deliver? We deliver the areas of knowledge that are truly critical for business success”, explains Ênio Pinto.

In last year’s edition, Sebrae provided 856 thousand services, in 2,036 municipalities, and had more than 6.4 million views on the MEI Week pages.

Exchange of experiences

This year, individual microentrepreneur Sandra de Matos, from Rio Branco in Acre, is already looking forward to participating in the activities. She is the owner of Amor com Geladin, a business she started five years ago, and today is her source of income. The main expectation is to network and exchange experiences with other MEIs.

“MEI Week will have many other entrepreneurs from different niches, who work with different things, who can add a lot here for me. So, this is my expectation. And I can also share a little about what my work has been like here and serve as an inspiration for other people; So, like other people, it will also serve as an inspiration for me.”

According to Sebrae manager, Ênio Pinto, another advantage of participating in MEI Week is having direct contact with experts and consultants to answer questions and gain training.

“The dynamics of managing a business today are very fast-paced. Therefore, you need to be permanently, continuously, assimilating, polishing, updating all your content, all your management tools for the success of your enterprise.”

“It is a possibility for you to see what the market trends are for your segment and develop a good network of contacts with other entrepreneurs who work in your area or entrepreneurs who work in convergent and complementary areas to yours, who could become partners future clients or even suppliers”, he recommends.

Check the schedule online

It was 20/05

10h45 from 12h
Lecture: Affective cuisine as inspiration for entrepreneurship
Guest: Lili Almeida (@cheflilialmeida)

5pm to 6pm
Practical workshop: “Canvas for the MEI”; with Adriana Schiavon Gonçalves, consultant at Sebrae/PR

It’s 21/05

10h45 from 12h
Lecture: Building a future as MEI
Guest: Nath Finance (@nathfinancas)

5pm to 6pm
Practical workshop: “Be a Bá do MEI”; with Rosimeyre Prado​, analyst at Sebrae/DF

It was 22/05

10h45 from 12h
Lecture: My entrepreneurial journey: overcoming obstacles and achieving success

Convidada: Natalia Beauty (@nataliabeauty)

5pm to 6pm
Practical workshop: “Transform your business with innovation”; with Lyana Munt​, analyst at Sebrae/AL

It was 23/05

10h45 from 12h
Lecture: Managing the finances of your business and your life
Guest: Gil do Vigor (@gildovigor)

5pm to 6pm
Practical workshop: “Tips to improve your finances”; with Maria Claudia Vianna, analyst at Sebrae/RJ

It was 05/24

10h45 from 12h
Lecture: Innovation at every step: strategies to stand out in the digital market
Guest: Felipe Titto (@felipetitto)

5pm to 6pm
Practical workshop: “Digital Marketing – visibility and sales”; with Paula Tebett​, digital marketing specialist

For further information, visit

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By Brasil 61

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