Arroba do boi gordo starts the cheapest Monday (27th)

The price of live cattle continues the downward trend observed in May. At the last close, the value of the product fell 0.2% and now costs R$222.05 in São Paulo.

The value per kilo of frozen chicken remained and, therefore, the product continues to cost R$ 7.02, this Monday (27). The price of chilled chicken is also the same. A kilo of the product is priced at R$7.29. For both, the reference regions are Greater São Paulo, São José do Rio Preto and Descalvado.

The price of pork carcasses increased by 0.4%. In wholesalers in Greater São Paulo, a kilo is traded at R$10.13. The value of live pigs fell 1.95%. In Minas Gerais, a kilo of animal protein, in cash, costs R$7.05. In Paraná, R$6.50, and in Rio Grande do Sul, R$6.30.

The values ​​are from Cepea.

By Brasil 61

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