Chamber approves 20% fee for international purchases of up to 50 dollars; understand what changes

Chamber approves 20% fee for international purchases of up to 50 dollars;  understand what changes

Publication date: May 29, 2024, 10:00am, Updated on: May 29, 2024, 9:10pm

The Chamber of Deputies approved in a symbolic vote, this Tuesday (28), the 20% charge on international purchases worth up to US$50 (approximately R$250). According to the president of the Chamber, Arthur Lira, the approval came only after an agreement reached between deputies, the government and the national retail sector. As a result, the proposal will be sent to the Federal Senate, which should analyze it this Wednesday (29).

Asafe Gonçalves, specialist in tax law and managing partner of Asafe Gonçalves Advogados, explains that taxation was included as a “jabuti” (legislative proposal on a topic that has no relation to the original text) in Bill 914/24, which establishes the Green Mobility and Innovation Program (Mover), which creates tax incentives for the manufacture of more sustainable cars.

He explains that if this taxation is sanctioned by the president, in practice the fee will only be charged if the imported product is processed by the Federal Revenue Service.

“If the Federal Revenue Service catches a batch of shipments coming from abroad, it can apply taxation. So it will be up to the final consumer whether or not they will keep that product — and whether or not it will be worth paying that fee”, he highlights.

Taxation of 50 dollars: intermediate agreement should bring a solution to the impasse

Conforming Shipping

The expert highlights that the project does not clarify what the issue of Remessa Conform will be, a program created to eliminate federal import taxes on purchases below US$50. These purchases are only taxed by the Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS) with a rate of 17%, collected by the states. The measure applies to purchases made by individuals in Brazil and sent by legal entities abroad.

The federal import tax, 60%, only applies to shipments from abroad above US$50.

Entrepreneur Ellen Paula, 25 years old, resident of Ceilândia (administrative region of the Federal District), recalls that she started buying products in sites Chinese in 2015, as prices were lower than those charged in Brazilian stores.

“I already bought from Aliexpress and I already bought from Shein, which was a store on AliExpress. Then they created their own platform, and I started buying directly from Shein. I also shop a lot on Shopee. Buy products from skincare (skin care), clothes, accessories, among others”, he says.

National trade

Economist Cesar Bergo explains that, from an economic point of view, the approval of the rate brings fiscal balance.

“Because you have unfair competition with local businesses, when you bring these products without taxes. It ends up harming industry, commerce, the generation of local jobs, especially the footwear, textile and auto parts industries”, he informs.

According to the National Confederation of Industry (CNI), with the loss of sales to less taxed imports, national industry and commerce no longer employ 226 thousand people.

For the economist, it is “important” to monitor commercial transactions, to avoid revenue evasion, as Brazil needs to increase its revenue.

By Brasil 61

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