Inflation by IPC-S increased by 0.53% in May

Inflation by IPC-S increased by 0.53% in May

Report issued by FGV Ibre this Monday (3) pointed out that the IPC-S for the fourth four weeks of May 2024 rose 0.53%, reaching an accumulated increase of 3.30% in the last 12 months.

According to research data, five of the eight expense classes that make up the index registered an increase in their variation rates, the largest of which was the Education, Reading and Recreation group, which reached 0.87% in this period.

For Alessandro Azzoni, economist and lawyer, Bachelor in Economic Sciences from Faculdade Metropolitanas Unidas (FMU), based on the results of the survey, municipalities are able to monitor inflation within their regions, which helps in a more localized analysis of the economy of the region. country.

“This also applies to the data calculated by the IPC-S that are used by governments to develop public policies for social assistance programs, mainly in the readjustment of minimum wages and social rent benefits. So it also helps municipalities in this sense”, he explains.

The groups of Housing, Food, Miscellaneous Expenses and Clothing also showed an increase, with emphasis on the performance of water and residential sewage rates, which registered 1.54%, rice and beans, with -0.15%, bicycle repairs, which hit 75% and children’s shoes, which registered -0.36%.

On the other hand, the Transport, Health and Personal Care and Communication groups showed a decline in relation to the other variation rates, especially gasoline, which reached 1.20%, medicines in general, which fell 0.10% and tariff of mobile phones, with 0.52%.

In the opinion of Roberto Piscitelli, economist and professor of public finance at UNB, the 0.53% that was recorded in the last survey is well below the inflation expectation for the entire year.

“The expectation for this entire year is 3.73%. Some groups showed an increase and others, declines, which is natural. This month, this four-week period, there were more increases than declines, if we consider each of these groups of products and services”, he points out.

The next IPC-S calculation, with data collected until June 7, 2024, will be released on the 10th.

By Brasil 61

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