Bolsa Família: payments begin this Tuesday (17)

Publication date: September 16, 2024, 6:26 PM, Last updated: September 16, 2024, 6:31 PM

A BOX The payment of Bolsa Família for the month of September begins this Tuesday (17) for beneficiaries with the Social Identification Number – NIS ending in 1.

Payment is preferably made to your CAIXA Tem account or your CAIXA Savings Account. It is worth remembering that, with the CAIXA Tem account, the beneficiary can make transfers, pay bills and even make PIX payments directly on the cell phone app.

The benefit can also be transferred using the account’s debit card in stores or at Lottery Units, CAIXA Aqui Correspondents, self-service terminals and at CAIXA Branches.

Downloading the CAIXA Tem and Bolsa Família apps is very easy, just go to your smartphone’s app store.

By Brasil 61

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