Salary Bonus: until when can you withdraw it? Find out who is entitled

Salary Bonus: until when can you withdraw it? Find out who is entitled
Workers who have not yet withdrawn their PIS-Pasep 2024 salary bonus – base year 2022 – have until December 27 to withdraw the money corresponding to the benefit. Until that date, payments will continue to be made on the 15th of each month, or on the following business day.

The salary bonus corresponds to an amount of up to one minimum wage, granted every year to workers and civil servants who meet the program’s requirements. According to the Ministry of Labor, by the end of August a total of R$283.4 million of the salary bonus had still been withdrawn.

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The amounts are intended for private sector workers, via PIS, and for public servants, via Pasep. The amounts for the categories vary between R$118.00 and R$1,412.00, taking into account the number of months worked throughout the base year 2022.

Who is entitled?

The PIS/Pasep salary bonus is paid to workers with formal employment contracts and to civil servants who received an average monthly salary of up to two minimum wages throughout the base year. Therefore, rural or urban workers employed by individuals, as well as domestic workers, do not receive the benefit. Check out who is entitled to the bonus:

  • Workers and public servants registered in the PIS/PASEP program or CNIS for at least five years;
  • Anyone who received up to 2 minimum wages as average monthly remuneration in the base year;
  • Anyone who has worked for employers who contribute to the Social Integration Program (PIS) or the Public Servant Asset Formation Program (Pasep);
  • Anyone who has data correctly reported by the employer in the Annual Social Information Report (RAIS) or in eSocial for the base year;
  • Anyone who carried out paid activity for at least 30 days, consecutively or not, in the base year.

Who is not entitled?

  • Rural workers employed by an individual;
  • Workers employed by a natural person equivalent to a legal entity.
  • Urban workers employed by an individual;
  • Domestic employees.

By Brasil 61

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