Indicators: values ​​of live beef and frozen chicken register an increase

The CEPEA/B3 live cattle indicator closed this Tuesday (8) up 0.36%. A 15 kg arroba is priced at R$ 294.20 in the state of São Paulo.

The value per kilo of live pigs is stable at two levels. In Minas Gerais, it costs R$8.96. In Paraná, the price is R$8.52.

A kilo of special pork carcasses sold wholesale in Greater São Paulo costs, on average, R$ 12.97 – a daily increase of 0.23%.

The value of frozen chicken also increased at the last close. In the state of São Paulo, a kilo of the product costs R$7.37.

The information is from the Center for Advanced Studies in Applied Economics, CEPEA

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