Fiscal package: DF Constitutional Fund at risk

Fiscal package: DF Constitutional Fund at risk
The news is not repeated. The DF Constitutional Fund is once again at risk. The fact is that the transfers from the Union to the Government of the Federal District, provided for in the Constitution to help cover the costs of various areas, were once again part of the spending cut. This time, Minister Haddad’s new tax package foresees changes in the way values ​​are calculated.

The proposal announced by the minister last Thursday (28) foresees that the fund will be readjusted annually by the National Consumer Price Index (IPCA). Today, the values ​​are corrected based on the variation in Net Current Revenue (RCL). A change that could exceed R$800 million per year in losses for DF revenue.

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Reaction of the powers

The news didn’t go down well. Palácio do Buriti reacted with a post made by governor Ibaneis Rocha (MDB) on social media, which said:

“I am against the proposal and I am sure that the entire political class in the Federal District and in Brazil, as well as the leaders of the National Congress, understand that the Constitutional Fund is important for us and agree that this measure is unsustainable and harmful for our city. I, together with the other parliamentarians, federal and district deputies and senators, will work to ensure that this is just another speculation. The federal government needs to understand the importance of the Constitutional Fund for the DF, which houses and supports all powers.”

In an official note, the Legislative Chamber also expressed concern about the measure.

“The prediction made by the Minister of Finance, this Thursday morning (28), would have negative impacts on the entire population, as it would directly affect public safety, health and education. We, district deputies, believe in dialogue as a tool for resolving the issue, presenting the characteristics that differentiate the Federal District from other states. We understand the country’s financial reality and the need to control public spending, but we disagree with the possible change highlighted.”

DF Constitutional Fund

The Constitutional Fund of the Federal District (FCDF) is a resource that finances the maintenance and organization of security forces, paying for police and fire departments. In addition to being intended to complement funding for health and education. The FCDF values ​​come from the Union and are adjusted annually based on the variation in Net Current Revenue (RCL).

By Brasil 61

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