Fat cattle start the week with a reduction in the price of arroba

Fat cattle start the week with a reduction in the price of arroba
After registering a drop of 0.96%, the cost of beef cattle started to cost R$ 313.80, in São Paulo, this Monday (16). The result came after two consecutive days of rising prices.

Frozen chicken, in turn, registered a drop of 0.12% at the last close and is traded at R$8.34. In relation to chilled chicken, there was also a decrease of 0.12%. In this case, the merchandise cost R$8.30. Prices are charged at wholesalers in Greater São Paulo, São José do Rio Preto and Descalvado.

The price of special pork carcasses has remained stable and a kilo of the product still costs R$ 14.06 in Greater São Paulo, while live pigs are traded at R$ 8.46 in Minas Gerais and 8.73 in Rio Grande do Sul .

The data are from Cepea.

By Brasil 61

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